What We Stand For

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Statement

Illumine Collaborative is dedicated to intentionally creating and maintaining a diverse, equitable and inclusive community for all of our employees and clients that we serve. Our commitment to providing culturally responsive services and a work culture of acceptance is only realized through weaving together the lived experiences, knowledge, and perspectives of people of diverse backgrounds and cultures.

We celebrate differences in age, race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, physical and mental ability, neurodiversity, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, family and marital status, and all the various backgrounds that help expand our own individual repertoires of relating to one another.

We strive to embed our efforts for diversity and equity throughout our business operations to include our approach to leadership, hiring practices, promotions, pay, benefits, corrective/restorative actions, professional development, clinical assessments, plans and procedures. Prospective employees and current employees alike are expected to treat each other and our clients, as well as be treated, with respect, dignity and kindness. It is important to us that we foster a climate and culture that promotes:

      • A healthy, collaborative, and kind atmosphere across all of our client teams and operations.

      • Engagement from all employees during trainings, meetings and other work-related activities that allows for more varied insights, ideas and representation.

      • Adjustability, where appropriate, to allow for an individual’s personal health, wellness, cultural or other individualized needs.

      • Being stewards of diversity, equity and inclusion through our actions and advocacy towards one another and when out in the field and the communities that we serve.